Youngwood Celebrates 125 Years

Agenda for Council Meeting on Monday, December 2nd at 7:00 PM
Agenda 12022024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [123.2 KB]

Leaf pickup is done for the season!

Spanky's Rollin Kitchen Food Truck and Klosky's will be in attendance.  Come out for some family fun festivities and get some good food.  Stay at the park, visit with friends, neighbors, family and enjoy the perfect view of the FIREWORKS that will be set off later in the evening.

Hometown Hero Banners


The Borough is still accepting applications for the banners.  Once the Borough receives 10 applications, the banners will be ordered.   The banners will be installed prior to Memorial Day.  They will be removed after Veteran's Day.   

Hometown Heroes Banner Application
20240401 Hometown Heroes_Banner Applicat[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]

                 About Us

Youngwood was established in 1899 and built upon land owned by Mr. John Y. Woods. Mr. Woods combined his maternal grandfather's moniker, Young, with his own surname to create the title of the borough that we now know of as "Youngwood."

Click on the image above to learn more about our interesting and historical community.

      Current Events and Happenings

Any and all concerns will continue to be directed to the Youngwood Borough office for dispatch. You may call the office directly or use either the web form or paper complaint form located on the "Contact Information" tab.



When:    Zoning Hearing     - No Hearings Scheduled at this time



Where:  Youngwood Borough Office


When:  Monday, December 2, 2024       Council Meeting                                                                             7:00pm

Where:  Youngwood Borough Office


When:  Monday, December 16, 2024    Agenda Meeting                                                                                    7:00pm

Where:  Youngwood Borough Office


Brush Pick-up/Drop-off is temporarily suspended at this time. 

Borough of Youngwood, PA Boundary Map
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